Ten Mile Walk – Laufen für Patrick Okoroafor

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Am 28.6.09 veranstaltete die Gruppe 1312 den “Ten Mile Walk” – dieses Jahr für Patrick Okoroafor, der seit 14 Jahren zu Unrecht inhaftiert ist. “Mitwalker” waren natürlich herzlich willkommen!

Ein Auszug von unseren Amnesty Freunden der Englischsprachigen Amnesty Gruppe 1312:

On Sunday June 28, 2009, a bright yellow flock of Amnesty volunteers walked a message through Berlin: Support us in our demand to Nigerian authorities for the release of Patrick Okoroafor from prison!

Dozens of walkers included Patrick’s brother Henry, who is an Amnesty member in Ingolstadt. 10 miles, 16 kilometres of walking together, provided all of us good opportunity to get a personal picture of Patrick’s 14-year ordeal, the consequences of his imprisonment on his family, and his hopes for life after release – whenever it comes. Henry, of course, spoke to many passers-by along the route, as did all the walkers.

Quelle: www.amnesty-1312.de